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But, to Craig Noel, the festival's producing director for nearly 30 years, rebuilding the Old Globe is no better than Alice in Wonderland running to stay in the same place. Now the endowment may offer some help to rebuild the Old Globe. The Old Globe's summer averages a remarkable 99 percent of capacity, and the theater has always proudly paid over SO percent of its costs from ticket sales. It was turned down because it had never had a major fundraising drive. Before the fire, the Old Globe had applied to the National Endowment for the Arts for a matching grant to build a new theater in a wooded canyon a few hundred feet away. The destruction of San Diego's Old Globe Theatre by arson on the night of March a is irony piled on irony. In the center of the gutted stage there is carefully placed a 4‐by‐5‐foot photograph of an audience watching raptly some past glory on that same stage. Hanging on the smoke‐damaged cement are markers from the San Diego Shakespeare Festival's first season in 1949 through its 28th in 1977. Twisted iron cables rise from the pitted concrete floor like headless snakes. Destroyed by fire 1978.”įolding chairs are still stacked against what remains of a retaining wall. If you anticipate multiple problems coming up in the future, you may want to use a try…except block to handle your JSONDecodeError.įollowed by the JSONDecodeError keyword, you should see a short description which describes the cause of the error.SAN DIEGO THE signs that decorate the burned stone are starkly simple: “Old Globe Theatre. To completely fix a JSONDecodeError, you need to go into a JSON file to see what the problem is. For example, your JSON data may be missing a curly bracket, or have a key that does not have a value, or be missing some other piece of syntax.

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